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Our History

History: Welcome

The Sharks Cycling and Triathlon Club was initially formed in the year 2000 when the Victoria Point Sharks Sporting Club contacted Colin and Julie Cornelius who were the proprietors of the Cycle Scene bike shop in Victoria Point. They were to determine whether there was any local interest in starting up a Cycling Club. With their involvement, the Sharks Cycling Club was formed and aligned itself with Cycling Queensland. The growth in popularity of triathlon within the Redlands, fostered by the successful Raby Bay triathlon, initiated a growth in members of the Sharks Cycling Club that were triathletes.

A requirement of Cycling Queensland stipulated that all members of not only the Cycling Club, but also the entire Sharks Sporting Club be members of Cycling Queensland. The decision was made to discontinue the clubs association with Cycling Queensland, and turn its focus towards the tremendous popularity that triathlon was experiencing. A development of training sessions, that promoted the sport of triathlon, was then formed.

From this point onwards the club has been known as the “Sharks Triathlon Club”.

History: Events
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History: Clients
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